Highland Park 30 Year Scotch Whisky (Pre 2019 Release) 750ML


Released in early 2013, this 30-year-old whisky is the second oldest in the Highland Park core range. Bottled at a lower strength than its predecessors, it showcases notes of aromatic spices, dark chocolate orange, and the signature fudge sweetness typical of older Highland Park expressions. The nose is sweet and floral, with hints of sour fruit like unripe peaches, mango, and lime zest, alongside buttery pastry, marzipan, cola bottles, sticky cherries, plum jam, and a touch of metal. On the palate, marzipan and sherry fruit dominate, intertwined with sour spices, cinnamon, maraschino cherries, polished wood, and rich woody spice. The finish is spicy, featuring nutmeg, ginger, soft brown sugar, and dark, unfinished wood.

Bottle Size: 750ML
Box: Yes

Each listing is for a single bottle unless otherwise noted.

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